The Unique LMI® Process

How the LMI Process Induces Change

LMI subscribes to the theory that the best way to learn is to do. After we equip you with the tools to enhance your performance, we’ll encourage you to apply the skills you’ve learned and practice spaced repetition. Over time, this method of learning will help you develop strong changes in attitude and behaviour. And of course, we’ll be there every step of the way to offer support and personal coaching.

Find a Coach

Step 1 - Evaluate Performance

We evaluate where your people are now. Based on our findings, we then determine the performance gap.

  • Identify Performance Issues
  • Define Current Level of Performance

Step 2 - Plan Action

We help you set specific and measurable goals and develop a detailed plan of action. Participants immediately begin applying techniques designed to help them change their behavior and fostering the new habits that will lead to the results you want.

  • Develop a Dynamic Plan of Action
  • Identify Critical Success Factors
  • Determine Method of Tracking Results

Step 3 - Change Behaviour

Participants don’t feel overwhelmed and have sufficient time to master each step and to change their attitudes and mental models. More importantly, new behaviors are applied directly to real business issues. Because of this unique development process, we are able to hard-wire these changes into your organization to ensure long-term, ongoing results.

  • Measure Progress as it Occurs
  • Practice and Apply New Behaviours
  • Implement Step-by-Step Change

Step 4 - Measure Results

Our process must deliver not only results, but also a high return on investment. We will help you document your investment performance and identify additional areas for continuing improvement. Developing your people should be a positive investment, not an expense.

  • Identify Areas fir Continued Improvement
  • Document Return on Investment
  • Measure Results as Achieved

Supporting Research for Our Unique Process

LMI Process support research studies - Click to view a report...

Read the latest article on productivity by - McKinsey

Read Mckinsey's discussion paper on 'The future of Growth and Productivity'